Farm Animal Counts by Type
as Used in the 2022 Virginia Nonpoint
Source Pollution Assessment
Estimation of 2020 Conditions
1. Farm Animals by 6th Level Virginia NWBD Hydrologic Unit
This query will report the farm animals by type for all 6th level (12 digit) hydrologic units of the
Virginia National Watershed Boundary Dataset that are within the selected unit type
(individual Hydrologic Units or Hydrologic Units within Basins/Sub-Basins).
Choose a selection type
2. Farm Animal Counts Summarized by Geographic Unit
This query will report the farm animals by type summarized by the selected geographic unit type
(Jurisdictions, Basins, Basins/Sub-Basins or Other Large Extents).
Choose a selection type
How to use this form:
- Hold Control key down while clicking selections with mouse pointer to select more than
one entry from the list boxes.
- After making query selections in the numbered steps, click on the 'Run Query'
button to view selected records.
Please note the following:
- the Territorial Waters of Virginia are included in the Atlantic Ocean Coastal basin,
and the large extents of Virginia and the Southern Rivers (non-Chesapake Bay drainage area of Virginia).
- the Chesapeake Bay-Small Coastal basin includes the waters of the Chesapeake Bay.
- not all basins are divided into sub-basins in this application.
The standard Basins are composed of the following Sub-Basins:
- Potomac River = Lower Potomac, Upper Potomac, Potomac-Shenandoah
- Chowan River = Lower Chowan, Upper Chowan, Chowan-Meherrin
- James River = Lower James, Middle James, Upper James, James-Appomattox, James-Rivanna
- Roanoke River = Lower Roanoke, Upper Roanoke, Roanoke-Dan
- Clinch/Powell Rivers = Tennessee-Clinch, Tennessee-Powell