Program Year 2025
July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025
Virginia Agricultural Cost Share Manual


Section I – Policy and Procedures on Soil and Water Conservation District Cost-share and Technical Assistance Funding Allocations

Section II – Cost Share Guidelines

Section III – VACS Best Management Practices

Practice Number Practice Name
CCI-CNT Long Term Continuous No-Till Planting SystemCCI-CNT-1
CCI-FRB-1 Forested Riparian Buffer- Maintenance PracticeCCI-FRB-1-1
CCI-HRB-1 Herbaceous Riparian Buffer- Maintenance PracticeCCI-HRB-1-1
CCI-SE-1 Stream Exclusion - Maintenance PracticeCCI-SE-1-1
CCI-SL-6N Stream Exclusion with Narrow Width Buffer - Maintenance PracticeCCI-SL-6N-1
CCI-SL-6W Stream Exclusion with Wide Width Buffer - Maintenance PracticeCCI-SL-6W-1
CCI-WP-2N Stream Protection with Narrow Width Buffer - Maintenance PracticeCCI-WP-2N-1
CCI-WP-2W Stream Protection with Wide Width Buffer - Maintenance PracticeCCI-WP-2W-1
CCI-WP-4 Animal Waste Control Facilities - Maintenance PracticeCCI-WP-4-1
CCI-WP-4C Composter Facilities - Maintenance PracticeCCI-WP-4C-1
FR-1 Afforestation of Crop, Hay and Pasture LandFR-1-1
FR-3 Woodland Buffer Filter AreaFR-3-1
FR-3M Woodland Buffer Filter Area MaintenanceFR-3M-1
FR-4 Woodland Erosion StabilizationFR-4-1
NM-1A Nutrient Management Plan Writing and RevisionsNM-1A-1
NM-3C Sidedress Application of Nitrogen on Corn at the 6-Leaf Stage or at Least 15" in Height and/or Grain Sorghum at the 5-Leaf Stage or at Least 12" in HeightNM-3C-1
NM-4 Late Winter Split Application of Nitrogen on Small GrainsNM-4-1
NM-5N Precision Nutrient Management on Cropland- Nitrogen ApplicationNM-5N-1
NM-5P Precision Nutrient Management on Cropland- Phosphorus ApplicationNM-5P-1
NM-6 Manure InjectionNM-6-1
NM-7 Cover Crop for Managing Liquid or Semi-Solid ManureNM-7-1
RMP-1 Resource Management Plan DevelopmentRMP-1-1
RMP-2 Resource Management Plan ImplementationRMP-2-1
SE-1 Vegetative Stabilization of Marsh Fringe AreasSE-1-1
SE-2 Shoreline StabilizationSE-2-1
SL-1 Long-Term Vegetative Cover on CroplandSL-1-1
SL-3 Stripcropping SystemsSL-3-1
SL-3B Buffer StripcroppingSL-3B-1
SL-4 Terrace SystemsSL-4-1
SL-6F Stream Exclusion in FloodplainsSL-6F-1
SL-6N Stream Exclusion with Narrow Width Buffer and Grazing Land ManagementSL-6N-1
SL-6W Stream Exclusion with Wide Width Buffer and Grazing Land ManagementSL-6W-1
SL-7 Extension of Watering and Grazing Management SystemsSL-7-1
SL-8 Protective Cover for Specialty CropsSL-8-1
SL-8A Protective Cover for Agricultural CroplandSL-8A-1
SL-8B Small Grain and Mixed Cover Crop for Nutrient Management and Residue ManagementSL-8B-1
SL-8H Harvestable Cover CropSL-8H-1
SL-8M Small Grain and Mixed Cover Crop for Nutrient Management and Residue Management with Fall Manure ApplicationSL-8M-1
SL-10 Grazing Land Management SL-10-1
SL-11 Permanent Vegetative Cover on Critical AreasSL-11-1
SL-15A Continuous High Residue Minimal Soil Disturbance Tillage SystemSL-15A-1
SL-15B Continuous No-Till Forage Production SystemSL-15B-1
WFA-CC Whole Farm Approach - Cover Crop BundleWFA-CC-1
WFA-NM Whole Farm Approach - Nutrient Management BundleWFA-NM-1
WP-1 Sediment Retention, Erosion or Water Control StructuresWP-1-1
WP-2A Streambank StabilizationWP-2A-1
WP-2N Stream Protection (Fencing with Narrow Width Buffer)WP-2N-1
WP-2P Portable Fencing For Stream ProtectionWP-2P-1
WP-2W Stream Protection (Fencing with Wide Width Buffer)WP-2W-1
WP-3 Sod WaterwayWP-3-1
WP-4 Animal Waste Control FacilitiesWP-4-1
(MS Excel) WP-4(only) Risk Assessment for Water Quality Impairment Worksheet
WP-4B Dairy Loafing Lot Management SystemWP-4B-1
(MS Excel) Risk Assessment for Water Quality Impairment Worksheet
WP-4C Composter FacilitiesWP-4C-1
WP-4F Animal Mortality Incinerator FacilitiesWP-4F-1
WP-4FP Feeding PadWP-4FP-1
WP-4LC Animal Waste Control Facility for Confined Livestock OperationsWP-4LC-1
WP-4LL Loafing Lot Management System with Manure Management (Excluding Bovine Dairy)WP-4LL-1
WP-4SF Seasonal Feeding Facility with Attached Manure StorageWP-4SF-1
WQ-1 Grass Filter StripsWQ-1-1
WQ-4 Legume Based Cover CropWQ-4-1
WQ-5 Water Table Control StructuresWQ-5-1
WQ-11 Agricultural Sinkhole ProtectionWQ-11-1
WQ-12 Roof Runoff Management SystemWQ-12-1

Section IV – Virginia Agricultural Best Management Practices Tax Credit Program Guidelines

Tax Credit Only Best Management Practices

Practice Number Practice Name
SL-6B Alternative Water SystemSL-6B-1
SL-11B Farm Road, Animal Travel Lane, Heavy-Use Area StabilizationSL-11B-1
WP-2B Stream Crossings & Hardened AccessWP-2B-1
WP-2C Stream Channel StabilizationWP-2C-1
WP-4E Animal Waste Structure Pumping EquipmentWP-4E-1
WP-5 Stormwater Retention PondWP-5-1
WP-7 Surface Water Runoff Impoundment for Water QualityWP-7-1
WP-8 Relocation of Confined Feeding Operations from Environmentally Sensitive AreasWP-8-1
WQ-6 Constructed WetlandsWQ-6-1
WQ-6B Wetland RestorationWQ-6B-1
WQ-7 Irrigation Water Recycling SystemWQ-7-1
WQ-8 Fuel Storage TreatmentWQ-8-1
WQ-9 Capping/Plugging of Abandoned WellsWQ-9-1
WQ-10 Integrated Pest ManagementWQ-10-1

Section V - Voluntary Reporting Program (VRP)

Voluntary Best Management Practices

Practice Number Practice Name
VFR-1 Voluntary Afforestation of Crop, Hay and Pasture LandVFR-1-1
VFR-3 Voluntary Woodland Buffer Filter AreaVFR-3-1
VFR-4 Voluntary Woodland Erosion StabilizationVFR-4-1
VNM-3C Voluntary Split Application of Nitrogen on Corn using Pre-Sidedress Nitrate TestVNM-3C-1
VNM-4 Voluntary Late Winter Split Application of Nitrogen on Small GrainsVNM-4-1
VNM-5N Voluntary Precision Nutrient Management on Cropland- Nitrogen ApplicationVNM-5N-1
VNM-5P Voluntary Precision Nutrient Management on Cropland- Phosphorus ApplicationVNM-5P-1
VSE-1 Voluntary Vegetative Stabilization of Marsh Fringe AreasVSE-1-1
VSE-5 Voluntary Stream ExclusionVSE-5-1
VSL-1 Voluntary Long Term Vegetative Cover on CroplandVSL-1-1
VSL-3 Voluntary Stripcropping SystemsVSL-3-1
VSL-3B Voluntary Buffer StripcroppingVSL-3B-1
VSL-6B Voluntary Alternative Water SystemVSL-6B-1
VSL-6N Voluntary Stream Exclusion with Narrow Width Buffer and Grazing Land ManagementVSL-6N-1
VSL-6W Voluntary Stream Exclusion with Wide Width Buffer and Grazing Land ManagementVSL-6W-1
VSL-7 Voluntary Extension of Watering SystemsVSL-7-1
VSL-8 Voluntary Protective Cover for Specialty CropsVSL-8-1
VSL-8B Voluntary Small Grain and Mixed Cover Crop for Nutrient Management and Residue ManagementVSL-8B-1
VSL-8D Voluntary Commodity Cover CropVSL-8D-1
VSL-8H Voluntary Harvestable Cover CropVSL-8H-1
VSL-9 Voluntary Grazing Land ManagementVSL-9-1
VSL-11 Voluntary Permanent Vegatative Cover on Critical AreasVSL-11-1
VSL-11B Voluntary Farm Road, Animal Travel Lane, Heavy Use Area StabilizationVSL-11B-1
VWP-1 Voluntary Sediment Retention, Erosion, or Water Control StructuresVWP-1-1
VWP-2A Voluntary Streambank StabilizationVWP-2A-1
VWP-2B Voluntary Stream Crossing and Hardened AccessVWP-2B-1
VWP-3 Voluntary Sod WaterwayVWP-3-1
VWP-4 Voluntary Animal Waste Control FacilitiesVWP-4-1
VWP-4B Voluntary Loafing Lot Management SystemVWP-4B-1
VWP-4C Voluntary Composter FacilitiesVWP-4C-1
VWP-4F Voluntary Animal Mortality Incinerator FacilitiesVWP-4F-1
VWP-7 Voluntary Surface Water Runoff Impoundment for Water QualityVWP-7-1
VWQ-1 Voluntary Grass Filter StripsVWQ-1-1
VWQ-4 Voluntary Legume Based Cover CropVWQ-4-1
VWQ-7 Voluntary Irrigation Water Recycling SystemVWQ-7-1
VWQ-12 Voluntary Roof Runoff Management SystemVWQ-12-1

Section VI – Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) Guidelines

CREP Practices

Practice Number Practice Name
CP-21 CREP Grass Filter StripCP-21-1
CP-22 CREP Riparian Forest BufferCP-22-1
CP-23 CREP Wetland Restoration Rent CP-23-1
CP-29 CREP Wildlife Habitat BufferCP-29-1
CRFR-3 CREP Woodland Buffer Filter AreaCRFR-3-1
CRLF-1 CREP Linear Foot of Streambank ProtectedCRLF-1-1
CRSL-6 CREP Stream Exclusion with Grazing Land ManagementCRSL-6-1
CRWP-2 CREP Stream ProtectionCRWP-2-1
CRWQ-1 CREP Herbaceous Riparian BuffersCRWQ-1-1
CRWQ-6B CREP Wetland RestorationCRWQ-6B-1
CRWQ-11 CREP Agricultural Sinkhole ProtectionCRWQ-11-1

Section VII - Virginia Small Herd Program

Section VIII - Virginia Poultry Litter Transport Incentive Program

Section IX - Glossary and Forms

Supplemental Information

     --Agricultural Non Point Source Assessment Rankings by 6th Order HUC
     --WBD Hydrologic Unit Codes (VAHU6), County Codes (ANSI) and City Codes (FIPS)

Revised June, 2024